November News 2021
In this issue: | The CET Experience 2021 officially begins | Arcadia‘s CET Extension is now live in Configura‘s Marketplace | Atdec‘s Wall Mount Monitor is now available in Revit. | Stance‘s Clover Collection in CAD and Revit | Indiana‘s Polka Collection is looking great with CAD symbols | AFX wins our rendering of the month |
In this issue: Servex joins the CET Experience | Claridge access Configura’s Marketplace | Watson’s Tia Collection in Revit | Snowsound & BIM Technolgy | HPFI’s space planning CAD & Revit updates |
In this issue: | Upcoming CET Extensions from Arcadia & EKO | ALW‘s LightShape Collection in Revit | HPFi incorporates CAD & Revit for Spencer Tables | WCI‘s Canvas Tables in CAD & Revit | Palmieri implements electronic catalog for ProjectMatrix | Servex joins NeoCon | Maverick wins our rendering of the month |
In this issue: | Servex continues with the migration process to CET 13.0 | MergeWork’s EchoDeco Baffles are ready in CET Extension | Source’s Martini Height Adjustable Swivel is available in CET Designer | Element Contract’s CET Extension is ready to launch | RBW added Revit families and SketchUp symbols for the Cinema Chandelier | Pedagogy’s Tables & Chairs are looking great in BIM Revit | Pavilion’s Salita collection is now available in Revit | Jasper Group wins our rendering of the month |
Revit lighting families to illuminate the A&D community The lighting industry benefits from Autodesk Revit when creating Revit lighting families (BIM objects) to gain visibility…
Virtual Showrooms for Trade Shows/Expo Sales and marketing are critical to every business and cannot be ignored. In today’s highly competitive business market, people are…