Specification platforms for office furniture manufacturers

The age of collaboration: Specification platforms for office furniture manufacturers
Specification platforms for office furniture manufacturers are great marketing tools to suceed in the North American furniture industry. Office furniture manufacturers are competing to create and update the electronic catalogs and symbols of products by using specification platforms to increase product reach and visibility. Specification platforms like 2020 (2020 Worksheet), Project Matrix, CET, ICE, OI and REVIT allow office furniture dealers, architects, and designers to specify or space-plan based on available electronic catalogs on specification platforms.
Electronic catalog and symbol development
Many office furniture manufacturers struggle with the process of creating electronic catalogs (e-catalogs). The creation of an electronic catalog for the products can be complicated and expensive. Manufacturers require certain level of expertise and must invest valuable hours in order to comply with industry standards. The electronic catalogs comprise digital graphics and data including fabric grades, options and pricing. Furniture dealers and architects will specify products from the initial design phase in any project as long as the electronic catalog is available.
Total product access to the furniture information market.
A great option for office furniture manufacturers to create and update electronic catalogs in specification platforms (2020 Worksheet, Project Matrix, CET, ICE, OI or REVIT) is to outsource this operation to experienced designers. A suitable outsourced partner must have expertise using intelligent 3D building design tools including AutoCAD®, Autodesk® Revit®, Autodesk® 3ds Max among other BIM modeling tools. Most noteworthy, the outsourced partner should have the flexibility to respond to the manufacturers requests on real time. Furniture manufacturers should focus on their core business while their catalogs are visible with the most up-to-date information. Office furniture manufacturers should use 2020 technologies and other specification platforms in order to get specified and sell more furniture. Additionally, to appear on specification platforms or specification software, furniture manufacturers can upload the electronic catalogs or symbols to their own company website to increase product reach.